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You are currently connected to the official website of PEOPLE’SWALK.

Director of publication: Christian Monderer

Web master: ORINOKO

Ltd with capital of 503.081,76€
Siret : 300 344 389

VAT number : FR82 300 344 389
Siège social : 1 Impasse de la Noisette, 91370 Verrières-Le-Buisson
Phone number : +33 1 69 53 77 50

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The information provided on this website is subject to French law and is given as seen without any form of formal or tacit guarantee. This information may contain technical inaccuracies or typographic errors. It is not legally binding and is subject to change without notice.

All content, pages, scripts, icons and sounds on this website are the exclusive property of PEOPLE’SWALK or of the mentioned right holders. Any production, reproduction or representation of this website, in whole or in part (texts, sounds or images) on any medium whatsoever is prohibited. Any failure to comply with this interdiction will be regarded as a counterfeit committing the counterfeiter’s personal and penal responsibilities. It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name and/or logo of PEOPLE’SWALK, together or separately, in any capacity. 

PEOPLE’SWALK is not responsible for the content of any other website accessed through their official website. It is expressly understood by the user of this website that in no case can PEOPLE’SWALK can be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, material or immaterial, resulting notably from the consultation and/or use of this website or of other websites linked to it, such as the use of text, sound or visual information that may have been collected on the aforementioned websites, including for financial or commercial damage, loss of programmes or of data in its system of information or otherwise.

In the absence of any contractual commitment, PEOPLE’SWALK may at any time remove any information or reference on their website or even suspend the aforementioned website in its sole discretion and without notice.

The data bases present on the Internet server are protected by the law of 1 July 1998.

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The personal information on this website or collected by using the forms online is collected in accordance with French law ‘Informatique et Libertés’ of 6 January 1978. Any person who has provided this data has a right to access, modify, correct or delete the information by sending an email to the webmaster.

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