Birth Certificate

The brand PEOPLE’SWALK, nicknamed P’SW, was born in France in October 2006. ‘People’Swalk’ is a contraction of the words ‘people’ and ‘walk’, and we imagined a term, the SWALKERS, referring to people who walk and therefore move forward, conscious of the environment and willing to act and protect our planet.
P’SW has started ‘swalking’, encouraging manufacturers, companies and a number of people to work remembering that every decision should be environmentally responsible.
Our Philosophy
PEOPLE’SWALK’s philosophy is simple and can be summed up in a few values: each decision should be made in an environmentally aware manner, it should be true, it should use organic or recycled materials, and it should contribute to the mission the Surfrider Foundation has set itself. Some people walk, others swalk.

The Search for Materials
People’SWalk’s concept was born from the search for raw materials that would enable us to produce shoes made from recycled components:
- The soles are made of gum from recycled tyres;
- The fabrics used for the upper of the shoe and the lining are made from recycled plastic bottles (PET) and recycled polyethylene terephthalate;
- The shoes are welded by vulcanization at high temperature.

The Planet
People’SWalk started with the search for recycled materials that would preserve natural resources. We wanted to go further than that and participate actively in protecting the planet. We looked for a coherent partner, in line with our project and with our philosophy. The Surfrider Foundation Europe was an obvious choice.